+263 773 032 428
Shop 114 Long Cheng Plaza, Samora Machel Avenue West, Belvedere Harare Zimbabwe

Land Valuation

We provide expert valuations for urban, rural and farming land.

Our team of experienced RICS Registered Valuers provides professional and robust advice based on the most recent transactional evidence with all information presented to our clients clearly and concisely. Our Red Book valuation reports provide in-depth advice relating to the land being valued.

Land assets are diverse and the valuation of land is equally complicated. Our professionals are experts in the field and can provide valuations for individual properties or large portfolios across Zimbabwe, always bearing in mind the intricate variables of the industry or local markets. Our land valuers are all experienced in the valuation of land using their intricate knowledge of land regulations, land us patterns and guided by research findings in the land markets.

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